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    5 Quick Ways You Can Update Your Website Right Now

    5 Quick Ways You Can Update Your Website Right Now

    Having to update your website content is always a challenge. Maybe its the hassle of creating new content, maybe it’s simply locating your username-password information, but because you don’t interact with your website daily it’s easy for it to become “out of site, out of mind”.  As days turn to weeks and weeks to months (hopefully not years) your business and your website gradually become out of sync. Pretty soon, they may only vaguely resemble each other. Now when visitors research you what do they learn? Are they getting an outdated picture? Perhaps a completely incorrect picture? Is this thought scary?!?

    Relax, we’re here to help. Here are 5 easy ways you can update your website right now to get everything back in sync. Addressing small things now will make larger things easier later.

    1. Update your “splash” image – The vast majority of visitors will enter your site through its Home page, so this page will be seen the most. Update your large home ‘welcome’ picture to something new, fresh and inviting. It’ll signal to your visitors that things have changed so they’ll be more inclined to stay longer.
    2. Update everyone’s information – Do you have a page that lists your staff? Check it to see if all their information is up to date. Have any titles changed? Any contact info changed? Any recent accomplishments not listed? These simple updates will make you look better to visitors and be appreciated by your staff as well.
    3. Test your forms – I’m sure your website has “Contact us” forms right? When’s the last time you’ve looked at them? For most, the Contact form is the final element in the lead communication process. Why not take a moment to ensure that everything is in working order.First, identify all the forms you have on your site. There’s rarely more than three, and most sites have just one. Review its contents. Does it still ask for the proper information? Does it ask for TOO MUCH information? More is not always better. Do you really need to know all the information you’re asking or can you get some of this information on your sales call? Next, check to see if the form operates properly. Fill it out with your name and info. Did you get the lead? We’re you taken to a landing page and shown ‘thank you’ feedback?
    4. Fix broken links – Website content changes all the time, sometimes by you, sometimes by the computer. Its a great idea to enlist a link-check website like brokenlinkcheck.com and let it scan for problems. It only takes a couple of minutes and you can have a report to follow for repair.
    5. Update accomplishments page – What milestones has your company reached recently? Any new contracts? New certifications? Take a brief moment and check if there’s anything new you should be boasting about your company.
    6. BONUS! Store your password in a safe, easily accessible place – Now that you’ve retrieved your website and domain name password for this exercise, take a moment to setup a password management program. They’re usually free, easy to use and will securely hold ALL of your passwords in ONE place. Try a program like Dashlane, LastPass or 1password. Not only will this uncomplicate your business life you can use it for your secure personal information too.


    The takeaway here is that there are some simple things you can do to update your website and enhance your visitor’s experience. Not only will your website be more in-tune with your business it’ll increase your lead generation rate too.

    Whether you’re looking to update your website’s content or if you have something else in mind let the premier web developers in Maryland help.Let’s talk about how we can put that website of yours to better use!

    I Listen. I Solve. I Build. I'm the product of a creative mind crossed with an affinity for business. Follow me as I demystify websites and how your business can grow by combining technology with strategy. No lingo, just simple and helpful guidance to help you tackle tough business challenges and build solutions. Contact me!